Better together

MTA develops and mass produces high-tech mechatronic systems for renowned Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), scale-ups and start-ups in various markets. We work according to the unique V² model, in which product development runs synchronously with production development. Connection and cooperation, between competences and in the chain, are the basis for delivering our added value.

MTA. Our company, our DNA.

Ready for the future thanks to good foundations


MTA was founded in 2002 by Robert Manders (CEO) and Patrick Geerts (CCO). Both gentlemen have been active in the high-tech supply industry from the beginning of their careers. They saw the transition from vertically integrated OEMs and a classic way of outsourcing to head-to-head organised OEMs and an open Supply Chain. With MTA, they are fully responding to this to this day. We have since developed into an international player within high-tech mechatronics.

MTA Group - Creating Mechatronics


We work according to the V² model we have developed. Within this model, product development and production development run synchronously. To realise our unique way of working, sustainable connection and cooperation within our network is important. From customer, development, engineering, supply chain(partners) and production(partners). Cooperation with each other, our customers, partners and suppliers is always based on equality and reciprocity. Out together, home together. The basis for this is trust. We find it important that there is a genuine desire to connect and work together.

MTA Group - Creating Mechatronics
Sharing knowledge is multiplying


At MTA, development is key. The development of mechatronics as a field, but also the development of (potential) colleagues and our network. Sharing knowledge is essential in this respect. With our Skillslab, we offer colleagues, trainees, students and pupils the opportunity to learn more about high-tech and mechatronics. In this way, we create an attractive learning environment in which we experiment together in a pioneering way.

Together we work on new developments and research assignments, which is in line with MTA's strategic direction. We develop new knowledge and competences in cocreation with:

  • MTA Colleagues
  • Education partners
  • Students

MTA Group - Creating Mechatronics


With over 100 enthusiastic colleagues, we work on a wide variety of projects. 35 colleagues work daily on product and production development. In addition, more than 60 colleagues work in production or logistics. 20 colleagues work at management level, within sales or in support departments, such as IT, HR, Finance and Communication.

Working at MTA? Read more here
MTAGroup - Employees

Delivering good and consistent quality is very important to us. ISO 9001 is a globally recognised standard with quality management requirements and therefore a benchmark for transparency and reliability in the market.

View the ISO certificate
MTAGroup - ISO 9001 certified

In late 2019, MTA was named best industrial supplier in the Netherlands in the Best Knowledge category. This honourable title was awarded by the DISCA (Dutch Industrial Supplier & Customer Awards). An award fully in line with MTA's strategy; adding knowledge as early as possible in product and production development.

MTAGroup - DISCA (Dutch Industrial Supplier & Customer Awards)


MTA wants to inspire and facilitate the next generation of engineering students to further develop their creative and technological skills. We are therefore proud main sponsor of Team Rembrandts, a robotics team consisting of students from Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Zwijsen College and Heerbeeck College.


During the Dutch Technology Festival, visitors can see, feel and experience technology at various locations in the Netherlands. This is how they learn how promising and challenging the tech sector is. MTA shares this proud feeling and participates in events such as the MBO on Tour and the High Tech Discovery Route. In this way, together with companies, governments and knowledge institutions, we inspire young and old for the technology industry.



BedrijvenMeeloopDag offers technical students the opportunity to gain more knowledge and experience at companies in the area that match their education. In this way, it is possible to gain experience about positions they can hold at these companies after graduation. Through an orientation day, they come into contact with different companies, experience their culture and the different positions.



MTA wants to inspire and facilitate the next generation of engineering students to further develop their creative and technological skills. We are therefore proud main sponsor of Team Rembrandts, a robotics team consisting of students from Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Zwijsen College and Heerbeeck College.


During the Dutch Technology Festival, visitors can see, feel and experience technology at various locations in the Netherlands. This is how they learn how promising and challenging the tech sector is. MTA shares this proud feeling and participates in events such as the MBO on Tour and the High Tech Discovery Route. In this way, together with companies, governments and knowledge institutions, we inspire young and old for the technology industry.



BedrijvenMeeloopDag offers technical students the opportunity to gain more knowledge and experience at companies in the area that match their education. In this way, it is possible to gain experience about positions they can hold at these companies after graduation. Through an orientation day, they come into contact with different companies, experience their culture and the different positions.